Serviced apartment / THD 140,011-158,822/sqft


Country: 泰國 / Thailand
City: Bangkok
Property Type: Serviced apartment
Address: 曼谷市科龍杉區吞武里路
Listing Price: THD 140,011-158,822/sqft
Built Up: 30 sqft- 64 sqft
Floor Plan: 30 floors of each two buildings
Developer: SANSIRI PLC.
Completion Date: June of 2015
Total Units/Lots: 1A-1I 1房1衛、 2A-2F 2房2衛
Total Households: 636 Units
Tenure: Freehold

Sansiri case built quality assurance, Plus the property 24 hours security preservation

Wang Wei Anya near train stations 150 meters

Only three stops from the CBD empty iron, a convenient living facilities such as tris Mattel Hospital, BNH Hospital, Robinson Department Store, Night wharf and easy three positions near the school

Infinity pool, fitness center, European-style public garden, library, audio-visual center, play space for children


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